Nurse Call and Wireless E-Call System
Livesentinel is a leading manufacture and provider for both Wireless and Hard-Wired Nurse Call system. We can deliver custom solution which we meet all your needs

Wander Managment
Livesentinel’s new Wander Managment will assist your staff to pin point location of your residents on the floor for varity of reasons. You can use it with builing automation as well.

Caregiver’s Mobility
Live Sentienl Nurse Call will provide greate mobility to your Caregiver staff via sending alert on varity of platforms/devices, such as Cell Phones, Pagers, Marquees, Wallboards

Revenue Generation
LiveSentinel has unique background in providing VOIP services to various facility. Book your demo today to discuss for your revenue generation model for your facility.

Assest Tracking
Track your assests thorughout your facility to avoid any theft or misplacement with easy to use Assest Tracking feature of Event Managment Server of LiveSentinel Nurse Call System.

Dashbord and Reporting
Get your key metrics on Dashboard, with EMS now you can get key insights of your facility such as avergae turnaround time, response time by staff, alert by device etc at your fingertips.

Wireless Nurse Call System
Livesentinel is a leading manufacture and provider for both Wireless and Hard-Wired Nurse Call system. We can deliver custom solution which we meet all your needs
Talk to a Solutions Consultant To obtain the fastest, most direct service, we encourage you to call one of our dedicated Solutions Consultants at (416) 254 2704 OR use our contact form Contact

Long-Term Care Home
LiveSentinel’s UL1069 certified unique Nurse Call Solution provides extensive care to residents and staff assistance along with Wander Management and Assets Tracking. With EMS server you can pin point residents in no time

Assisted Living
LiveSentinel is no. 1 provider for wired or wireless nurse call systems in North America. All our products are made in Canada and ULI certified. We can provide both voice and voiceless solution for your facility.

Assisted Living
Now monitor your residents in your facility remotely and provide help when they really need it with LiveSentinel’s Independent Living nurse call solution which include Event Management Server for any emergency alert and reporting.